Irrigation Winterizing MN

Sprinkler maintenance is a crucial part of making sure you get the most out of your irrigation system. After all, irrigation system installations are the cheapest property improvement, and if you’re looking to get your money’s worth out of your investment, you’ll need to take care of your sprinkler system to avoid any preventable repairs. One of the most important sprinkler maintenance services we offer is what we call irrigation winterizing, or preparing your sprinklers for the cold and wet winter ahead. Sprinkler system winterizing is a necessary process that allows your in-ground irrigation system to last through the winter without any damage simply by working to pump out sprinklers. As winter approaches and it comes time to start thinking about sprinkler winterization for your in-ground irrigation system, contact Wet and Wild Irrigation, a Coon Rapids, MN sprinkler maintenance company that will ensure your sprinklers turn back on next spring without you having to worry about whether they’ve made it through the winter.

Sprinkler Maintenance and Winterizing Company

Irrigation winterizing is a simple enough process for our sprinkler maintenance crew, as we’ve had years of sprinkler repair and sprinkler maintenance experience to train us to be the best at what we do. We use sprinkler winterization, or sprinkler pump-out services, to ensure that your sprinklers are fully functional once you turn them back on in the spring, free of breaks, leaks, or other water damage. We prevent sprinkler water damage by not just turning off the flow of water through your irrigation system but by performing an irrigation blow-out that rids your in-ground irrigation system of water. This way, there is no excess water left to freeze this winter, damaging sprinkler lines and causing problems in your yard in the future, such as flooding or broken sprinkler lines. By simply making the choice to winterize your sprinkler system this winter, you could save yourself hundreds on the cost of sprinkler repairs or, what’s worse, a sprinkler system replacement.

Sprinkler Winterizing and Spring Sprinkler Startup Services

Sprinkler system winterizing can go a long way in helping to ensure that your sprinklers never require springtime maintenance – at least, not any maintenance that involves repairs. Just as we provide wintertime sprinkler shutdown services, we also offer spring sprinkler startup services to ensure that your irrigation system is working properly after months of disuse. When we complete your irrigation startup, it gives us an opportunity to make sure that there are no sprinkler line leaks, breaks, or other causes of concern that could lead to property flooding or a dysfunctional sprinkler system. To take advantage of our Coon Rapids, Minnesota sprinkler winterizing, startup, and general sprinkler maintenance services, contact Wet and Wild Irrigation today at 763-238-7313, and receive a free estimate for residential or commercial sprinkler winterization.